What are the use scenarios of phenolic insulation board?

phenolic insulation board
Phenolic insulation board is made of phenolic foam material. It is advised that foam material belongs to macromolecular organic hard aluminum foil foam product, which is foamed by thermosetting phenolic resin. It is a new generation of thermal insulation, fire prevention and sound insulation material. It has the advantages of light weight, fire prevention, non-flammable in case of fire, smokeless, non-toxic, and no dripping, and has a wide range of use.
As a safe and green new energy-saving building material, phenolic foam is widely used in high-rise buildings and can be used as wallboard,aluminum foil phenolic insulation board is also commonly used as an insulation board in the summer,The fields of application are relatively widespread,For example, the roof of the sunshine house, as well as the roof of the top floor, the ceiling of the roof, the ceiling of the steel structure factory, the decorative insulation of the inner wall, and the internal insulation partition of the light steel keel,There are also applications in farms insulation, ceiling insulation, some large farms such as pig farms, planting bases, grain depots and other scenarios are more applications.

Post time: Mar-10-2023